
Become Insta Popular: 5 Ways to Grow Your Business’ Instagram Following


The best revenge is a life well lived. Ask the almost twenty thousand Instagram followers on the page of a Dumped Wife’s Revenge.

She gained her followers one at a time showing them how she moved on from being dumped by living her best life with her best foot going forward. 

How did she, a doctor who doctors from on the gram or a family of labradoodles become Insta popular? The same way you can. 

Follow these five tips and strategies and you too can become an Insta sensation with thousands (ahem, tens of thousands) of followers. 

Grow Your Instagram Page With the Right Kind of Posts

Instagram is a playground for the eyes. Create posts that make users both want to follow you and be entertained or informed by your images. 

More is not always better when it comes to your Instagram life. A few quality photographs will help you grow and define your brand better than a barrage of photos without a plan. Think of it like this, show your single best vacation photo instead of what you wore and ate every day during that week of tropical bliss.  

When deciding on a photograph for your Instagram feed, look at how it portrays you and your brand.

Does the image deliver the look and feel you want for your business? Will it make people be interested enough to click the follow button? If the answer is yes, choose that photo for your post. 

Post For Purpose and Variety

Use a variety of different posting strategies to increase the engagement of your followers. Know the reason you are putting a post out there for the 500 million daily users

  • Promotion: Your most colorful and racy bathing suit line is ready for consumers. Use your feed and stories on Instagram to promote the release. Show your tropical green bikini prints to entice new followers to join your colorfully vibrant page.
  • Conversation: How do you make a friend? You introduce yourself and you have a nice chat. Imagine you and friend (or several thousand friends hopefully) are having a nice cup of coffee or glass of wine and create posts that make potential followers want to be in on that gabfest. Be conversational in your captions. 
  • Sharing: Isn’t Instagram all about sharing? Not only are you sharing your brand, use a sharing post to promote your blog, website or cross promote with other Insta savvy like brands. 

Engagement is the Name of the Game and You Should Play the Game

The key to increasing your followers is engagement and you hold the key chain. 

You cannot expect Instagram users to engage in your page if you’re not engaged yourself. 

Spend time on your page by responding to followers. Ask questions so they want to pay attention to your posts. When they respond to your questions, reply. Interaction is key to growth.

Be a follower yourself by noticing competitors. Engage with them to see what potential followers like and respond to on posts. Even work to develop relationships with those competitors. You could help each other get followers by cross-promoting each other’s pages. 

Give your potential followers a reason to be a part of your page. Run a contest because let’s face it, everyone loves to win something. Ask your Instagram followers to do something specific. They might tell which outfit choice is better or fill you in on a favorite use for last night’s leftover chicken. It gives followers a buy-in and a reason to follow along.

Hashtagging Your Way to Insta Popular

Imagine Instagram photos in one giant file cabinet. The photos for your Instagram page get one file folder in that big ole’ cabinet. How will you ever find them? Hashtags, of course. 

But remember, there are hashtags and then there are the right hashtags. Imagine using them as a method to organize your posts so potential followers can find you. 

Hashtag your way to Insta popular. 

While Instagram allows up to thirty hashtags per post, the most might not always be the best. Successful users keep track of their hashtags. Some do this through professional services and some through simple Excel spreadsheets.

Many successful Instagram brands create files with their most commonly used hashtags connected to what they are posting.

Use thoughtful keyword searches to identify the best hashtag options. Be sure to track keywords connected to your page. Change the connected hashtags as needed because the most popular ones are constantly evolving. 

Some have even gained followers by using the same hashtags that like-minded pages and brands are using. Don’t be afraid to borrow some hashtag ideas from the competition.

Hashtags allow potential followers to find you. It gives them an avenue to start to follow you, based on their searches and interests. A post with one hashtag can get almost 13% more response compared to a post with no hashtags.

There are even specific #s used to gain followers. #instafollow, #l4l (like for like) or #followback are commonly used choices in the race to grow your followers. 

Use Tools Made to Help You Increase Your Insta Followers

It is not quite as simple as post that decorated cookie and the followers will come. Gaining followers can be serious business and serious business needs tools.

If you are serious about growth in followers, using an Instagram growth service might be for you. Services like this can take those billion Instagram browsers and connect them to your platform. This will help you grow your followers in ways you can’t do on your own. They provide specific services like an organized and targeted posting plan. This will help you achieve your growth goals for gaining optimal followers.

Instagram is part of the Facebook family and uses the same algorithms. Placing a strategic advertisement will help you reach your target audience and garner them as followers. 

While not a tradition tool or service, the stories feature of Instagram is a different way for followers to learn about you, your brand and your content. It is more personal and allows for greater sharing opportunities because users can post spontaneously and with greater quantity.

Know Your Brand and Find Your Followers

Thomas Edison said there is no substitute for hard work. Treat growing your followers like a job that requires effort, organization and determination.

It also helps to know who you are as a brand. Instagram is booming in popularity and the customer base is out there.  

If you want to be Insta popular, use these five tips to grow your followers. Build an Instagram following that would make even the biggest influencer (Hello, Joanna Gaines) jealous.