what are keywords

What Are Keywords and Why Do I Need to Worry About Them?

Keyword Research

Whether you’re trying to ramp up your video gaming brand or want your law firm to have more visibility, search engine optimization is a crucial part of this process.

Even if you’re a complete novice, you probably have heard rumblings about this form of marketing, and why it’s critical. It’s important that you start at the very beginning.

On a basic level, search engine optimization (SEO) makes use of specific keywords to draw in traffic. But first things first — what are keywords?

Below we’ll dive into keywords, why they’re important and how they can be a difference maker.

What are Keywords?

Keywords are the foundation of SEO marketing.

They are a series of words that web searchers often use to find information. For example, someone looking for legal help in Virginia might use keywords like “Virginia lawyers” or “lawyers in Virginia.”

By researching the keywords, you can use them efficiently to draw attention from people that are making these searches.

Why are Keywords Important?

You need to not just use any keywords, but continuously find the highest ranked keywords available.

Here are a few ways that proper keyword use pays off:

1. They bring eyeballs to your content

Web traffic is everything in this day and age.

Both on mobile devices and computers, this is how people access the world and find information. If you have stellar content on a blog or website, it doesn’t matter if no one is seeing it.

By using the right keywords, people will be better able to find your site. This will turn into an increase in business and will allow you to grow your company altogether.

2. It’s a passive form of marketing, which means more results for less active work

When you’re trying to grow visibility with your business, time is everything. You need to get an efficient return on your investment, based on the time and effort you put in.

With search engine optimization, you will get to enjoy a huge ROI after some effort on the front end. Using keywords is a passive form of marketing that gets you incredible results that keep paying off long after you first use them.

3. People use search engines for everything today

If you want to reach people, search engines are the most powerful resource.

We all use them every day whenever we’re looking for a business to patronize or information that answers questions. Since Google and other search engines are so incredibly popular, you will get huge results by making this the backbone of your marketing.

You will need to keep researching which keywords give you the best hits in Google so that they stay viable and accurate.

Nail Down Your Marketing Needs

So now that you’ve answered the question, “what are keywords?”, you’ll want to do your research and get all of the marketing help that you need.

A basic understanding is important, but there’s a lot that goes into the use of keywords. To learn more about rankings and how to best use your keywords, stay up to date with our site.