Off-Page SEO

Inbound Traffic Alert! What Is Off-Page SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

There’s nothing more frustrating than putting hours or even days of effort into your website, only for it to hardly get any hits. Recent research suggests that as many as 90.63% of web pages don’t get any organic traffic from Google.

Don’t let this happen to your website! You’ve probably heard a little about SEO but you might not really be sure how it all works. What’s the difference between on-site and off-site SEO, and why is off-page SEO so important?

Dive in to learn more and make sure that your website doesn’t languish at the bottom of the rankings. 

What Is SEO?

Let’s start with a quick run-down of the basics. SEO is a series of strategies to optimize websites for search engines. This helps search engine algorithms to identify your website and determine where to place it in their rankings for relevant search results. 

On-site SEO refers to the tactics you can use on your own website to make it as optimized as possible. This includes ensuring the site is user-friendly, including being optimized for mobile devices. A key focus should always be generating up-to-date, high-quality content. 

What Is Off-Site SEO?

Off-site SEO is also commonly referred to as off-page SEO. It relates to how reliable your website is viewed as being by others. Search engines look for mentions of your site and your brand outside the boundaries of your own website, to ensure that they return the best results to searchers.

Good off-site SEO strategies can help to increase your website’s rankings, leading to greater exposure. This can only be a good thing— more visitors means more business. 

Off-Page SEO Strategies

On-site SEO is completely within your control, as you can make changes to the content and settings of your website. Off-site SEO is a little more tricky to manage. But there are some approaches you can take which will help your rankings. 

Building Backlinks 

SEO link building is a central off-page SEO strategy. Google’s algorithm prioritizes links from authority websites, so it’s important when establishing backlinks to ensure that they are good quality.

Beware of creating spammy backlinks on multiple business directories. This is known as a black-hat SEO tactic and will actually damage your ranking. 

You should be looking for contextual backlinks on websites that cover a similar topic to your own. You should try to learn more about this area before implementing backing building strategies, as it’s critical to get it right. 

Social Media Marketing 

This is another key element of off-page SEO. Social media mentions are becoming more and more important as ranking factors, so it’s important not to neglect this.

It makes sense to focus your energies onto just a few platforms that are most appropriate to your business, rather than spreading your energies too thinly. This is likely to generate more engagement in the long term. 

Off-Page SEO for Business Growth

The fundamental principle of off-page SEO is to ensure that your website and brand are of sufficiently high standing that the search engines recognize them as reliable, high-quality sources of information for searchers. 

Creating high-quality content, generating valuable backlinks, and managing your social media carefully are some key strategies to achieve this. Keep up to date on all the latest tech news by checking out the rest of the blog now!