b2b seo

8 B2B SEO Tips That You’ve Probably Never Heard Before

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

How’s your SEO game looking? If you continue to watch your rankings nosedive despite “doing everything right,” it’s time to revamp your B2B SEO strategy. After all, Google keeps getting smarter and so must you.

Turns out that antiquated business of ranking for keywords is just that, “antiquated.” Moving forward, B2B companies need to revolutionize how they think about SEO.

Read on for eight tips to get you started.

1. Understand SERPs

Looking for a new buzzword? Give “SERP” a try. SERP stands for search engine results page or the selection of web pages provided to users when they use a search engine for a query.

One of the most important things to know about SERPs is that they remain unique to every user even when they use the same search engine and query the same keywords. Why? Because search engines customize their results.

They do this by:

  • Location
  • Social settings
  • Browsing history

Even identical-looking SERPs will contain subtle differences. And search engine algorithm adjustments impact SERPs, too. From month-to-month, week-to-week, and even day-to-day, SERP changes on Google, Bing, and other engines.

2. Think ‘Share of SERPs’

How do you use SERPs to gain a marketing advantage? Start thinking about “share of SERPs.” This means thoroughly analyzing the SERP for each of your primary keywords.

It also means learning to work with third-party reviewers to get your brand before the public. Why? Because Google favors these independent sites over those of B2B companies.

Remember, Google remains obsessed with the idea of providing the best answer to every search query. This answer is based on hundreds of factors including the searcher’s browser history.

And to put it bluntly, Google doesn’t deem a B2B company’s website a better, more comprehensive source than an objective review site. And how can we blame them?

To drive leads and conversions, you must get qualified reviews. Period.

Take a holistic approach when it comes to capturing the full share of SERPs for each of your keywords. Get your products reviewed by third-party sites, and think about dominating SERPs through organic and paid traffic rather than keyword rankings.

3. Change Your SEO Mindset

Look at SEO as a tool for driving sales from a marketing channel with no acquisition fee costs. Like content marking, understand that your SEO strategy derives its value from placement and audience exposure.

Gone are the days of isolated, onsite SEO. So, wash it from your mind.

That said, you do need to give the technical and design side of SEO some extra TLC. In fact, your SEO strategy should center around the following trifecta:

  • Technical SEO and design
  • Content
  • Links

Think about SEO for your B2B company as a brand-positioning tool. This tool should keep your brand top of mind throughout every step of the buyer’s journey. An effective SEO strategy should also capture a full share of SERPs.

4. Keep It Topical

Now that we’ve got you thinking differently about SEO, let’s dive into how you perceive and use keywords. Google’s algorithms keep getting smarter. In fact, they can now anticipate user intent.

You’ve got to think topically when generating keywords. Consider relevant themes and topics and then create content that wraps around these. You’ll need a major mindset adjustment, but once you get it down, you’ll marvel at the results.

Here’s the thing, though. You have to know your audience really well to make this work. That means delving into demographics, survey results, and more. Only when you understand the intent of your customers can you appeal to them.

You also have to understand that SEO and content marketing share an inextricable relationship. They cannot and should not get separated.

Your Plan of Action

What’s one of the simplest and most effective ways to start applying topical content generation? First, stop trying to rank for keywords! Seriously, go cold turkey.

Second, craft useful, comprehensive content that avoids these content marketing mistakes. Bear in mind that your content should answer customer questions.

Third, check out current search engine results to glean what Google feels is most important with regard to a topic. Once you’ve completed these steps, develop content around your research and findings.

5. Customize Content

Let’s talk more about successful content creation. Buyers want to read content that speaks directly to them. This content must address their pain points and offer sound, evidence-backed solutions.

This means digging really deep into your customer demographics. You need to understand what keeps them up at night, what speaks to them, and how they search for answers to their problems. Do that, and you’ll churn out marketing gold.

So, put on your marketing waders and get knee-deep in data collection and analysis. Understand your target audience inside and out. Then, show what you know by crafting customized content that’s compelling, useful, and persuasive.

6. Remember, Mobile-Compatibility Matters

Do you have a responsive website? Great. Now what?

Mobile-friendly matters more. As you create content and website copy, you must remember that more people than ever use mobile devices to check out your materials. And, barring a zombie apocalypse, these numbers will continue to rise.

This affects everything from multimedia content to site structure to font size and appearance. It impacts your load times, too. So, make sure your conversion process proves mobile-compatible.

7. Times Change, So Must You

As you’ve noticed, B2B search marketing continues to speed along at a lightning pace. Changes come quickly and often without warning. So, it does you no good to bury your head in the sand.

Instead, stay flexible and cultivate a broad range of skills. From new product launches to re-branding to updating client expectations, anticipate and apply new trends in digital marketing to your output.

You need up-to-date equipment. For example, your business needs a cloud phone system rooted in the internet. The right phone service will enable you to integrate and streamline all of your B2B communications for optimal performance.

It’ll also ensure your network and business communications remain as safe and secure as possible. Don’t let old equipment and an antiquated mindset hold you back when it comes to B2B SEO strategy for the 21st century.

8. Don’t Get Left in Google’s Dust!

The elephant lurking in the room remains Google and its propensity to adjust algorithms at will. Clearly, it pays to stay on top of the game. You need to track Google updates obsessively to keep your head above the B2B marketing fray.

Of course, the sad but true fact remains, Google can do whatever the heck they want. They don’t have to tell anybody about it, and they usually don’t. All the while we as B2B SEO marketers sweat bullets.

So, make sure that you follow Google’s latest changes. That means consistently checking out search queries and visibility pages. It also means boning up on your digital marketing knowledge.

Your B2B SEO Success

Interested in learning more about how to improve your B2B SEO search engine rankings with essential data ranking? Or, maybe you’ve got questions about how to plan and budget for B2B search engine optimization?

No worries. We’ve got you covered. Check out our search engine rankings blog to stay on the cutting edge of SEO for B2B marketing.