SEO search engine optimization and related text

6 Rules All Marketers Follow for SEO Friendly Content

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

The search engine optimization market is making a lot of money – $80 billion by 2020!

That number will only grow bigger since only 71% of small businesses had a website in 2017. As more SMBs launch an online platform, total SEO spending is sure to reach new heights.

After all, this marketing tactic gives websites a chance to appear in search results. If you don’t appear on the first page of search results, 75% of searchers won’t see you. These folks don’t go past the first page of search results.

All that said, it’s time you get started on curating SEO friendly content. We’ll show you how to get it done with six rules, so be sure to keep reading!

1. Map Out Your SEO Friendly Content Strategy

The first step on how to write SEO content is to first know what makes for high-quality SEO content. Nail the formula by considering the following factors behind amazing and optimized content:

  • Topics that spark interest in your specific target readers
  • The right keywords (and where they appear in the content)
  • Links (and link quality)
  • How useful to the readers your content is (and if they enjoy it enough to share it)

We’ll discuss these in more detail below, but at least now, you have an idea on what to expect when creating content. You should also use these as a checklist when proofreading your pieces. Be sure each of your articles meets all these criteria before you upload them to your site.

2. Write with Your Readers’ Demographics in Mind

Even if your content deserves an award, it won’t do you any good if your target readers wouldn’t want to read it. This can happen if you write about topics that aren’t in-line with their age, needs, wants, and location.

So, start by listing the key demographics of your readers. Aside from the above, also consider income, educational level, and marital status. Gender can also be important, especially if only either can use your products or services.

From there, look up info on what these folks are searching for online. What they’re voicing out over the World Wide Web. Using specific demographics, you’ll learn of topics that make your target readers tick.

Let’s say you’re targeting Millennials, 65% of whom prefer to shop online. Half of the generation also said they regret not having enough savings.

Using these statistics, you can now curate content that’ll interest your target market! You can come up with how-to guides that can make their online shopping experience even better. Or write about unusual (but effective) ways to help them reach their savings goals.

The important thing is, your content should be interesting and of use to the people you’ll write it for. It should be unique and entertaining, and it should offer a viable solution to their issues. Write it in their language, including using colloquial terms, but be careful with the use of slang.

3. Research Keywords to Come Up with Valuable (and Fresh) Content

Market research also helps you discover the search keywords your target readers use. Use keyword research tools, like Google Keyword Planner, to find out the best search terms. But be sure to incorporate only those relevant to your products or services in your content.

By using these keywords, you’re making it easier for web crawlers to find your content. The faster they do, the more likely your content will appear in top search results. And the higher you rank on search results, the faster your potential readers will find you.

4. It’s Not a Pie (So Don’t Stuff It with Keywords)

As much as content optimization relies on keywords, you should never overuse them. First, because content stuffed with primary keywords doesn’t read well and sounds unnatural. Your readers will get tired of reading a piece plugged with the same keywords in every paragraph.

Also, Google doesn’t like keyword overstuffing. Remember, Google is all about high-quality customer service and experience. If readers don’t like a website, then Google won’t like it too.

5. Link Back to Your (Very Credible) Resources

Backlinks are one of Google’s top three most important ranking factors. Also known as inbound links, they’re links on a different site that points back to your website or one its pages.

But since you’re only starting out on content creation, you need to earn these backlinks. One way to do that is through linking your content to credible sources, like trusted news sites. Educational institutions, scientific studies, and industry-specific forums are also great sources.

A great and natural way to use these external links is when citing statistics. You want to prove to them that what you’re saying are facts so that you can instill trust in them. Linking to credible resources will assure them that what you’re saying is true.

The more that your readers will trust you, the more they’ll want to consume more of your content. They’ll keep coming back to your site. With more quality traffic to your site, the more chances you have of ranking high on search results.

From there, other websites will see that you’re worthy of linking back to. You should also try guest posting to earn those backlinks to your site. You can check this page out to find out more about getting backlinks.

6. Master the Art of On-Page Optimization

Every effective SEO strategy includes proper keyword placement, including in titles and subtitles. Optimize your meta tags and images with your primary keywords too. But remember to keep it natural, so if it sounds weird, don’t push it.

Speaking of titles and subtitles, it’s best to keep your primary keyword only once in the H1 and an H2 tag. Insert it a final time in your conclusion, right before your call to action.

Get Started with Your Optimized Content Strategy Now

SEO friendly content doesn’t have to be a pain, but it does take effort and time — don’t expect results the next day! Don’t trust people who tell you otherwise, as there’s no way to get to the top of the ranks overnight. Creating an effective SEO strategy alone can take a few days.

But all that keyword research and proofreading will pay off once you see the results of your efforts. So, as early as now, start with rule number one so you can get that high-quality content out ASAP!

And in case you’re only about to launch a website, be sure to check this SEO for web design guide. It’ll help you start off on the right foot even before you curate top-quality content.